Monday, March 15, 2010

project failure

my team's egg project was unfortunately unsuccessful, but i did enjoy the process that we took from setting the objective , all the way throught to the implentation stage. the first step, i think was mastered. we knew we had 10 minutes to the deadline, ao we wasted no time. we knew that our goal was to make a contraption that would hold the egg to refrain from it cracking when dropped. we went straight for the blueprints. our goal was to have a finalized blueprint before we were given the materials, so that no time was wasted in bwtween. our weakness was that we were somewhat undecisive in the beginning on what plan we should go with. i had my idea, he had his idea and so on. the strenth that actually came out of this was that we had alternate scenerios, in case our primary plan didnt work. also, time was always against us, so we were constantly working. eventually, we settled on the plan of curving the straws to titly align them with the egg. our members had different jobs to do. some were cutting tape, other was bending the starws and so on . unfortunately, as i said, the plan didnt work once we implemented it. i understood what was arong, that even though the strwas were somewhat protecting the egg, the speed and impact of the fall was too much.


  1. My group had a similar weakness as yours. We were indecisive in the beginning as well and we wasted a lot of time working on individual plans. However, like you said, that eventually became our strenth too, it actually created options from which we picked the best one. Sorry that your plan did not work out as planned, but good luck on the next one, if there is a next.

  2. My group was very similar to yours. There were so many ideas floating, yet the lack of time caused our failure. The strength your group did have that we lacked was organization. As opposed to your group members, every member in our group was performing tasks at their own desire as opposed to specific tasks given by others. Perhaps we should trade a few group members for the next project in hopes of receiving some extra credit on the exams.
