Sunday, May 16, 2010

is DISC really accurate ?

we had a personality assesement test in class, which i was actually really excited for. i had very few of these done on me, but i always enjoyed it. i believe they arent nessasarily accurate as this is your actual personality and thats it. nonetheless, they are fun to do and they may put you on the right track as to how your personality is actually constructed. when i was younger and i did these personality tests, i would use to pick the options that i would like or aspire to be. i mightve not actually possesed the trait, but i picked it anyway because this is how i wanted to be. this time around i am older and more mature and so i come about a different way. i actually pick the options that best resemble my traits or my perception of the situation. it doesnt matter if i like this trait of mine, i am honest to the test. otherwise, you wouldnt get a result that is as close as can be. my results were a major C and a minor D. the C does describe me as i am very careful and cuatious but i do not nessasarily like to abide by the rules or follow a set structure. the D describes me as i am peaceful and cooperative, but then again at time i am contrary to this behavior. so i think this test has traits that fit all people and so it can apply to anyone. much like the signs of the horoscope.

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