Sunday, May 16, 2010


What is he if without vision ?

No doubt about it, he will be left out of the decision

Struggling on the contingency for his mission,

Or lack thereof

Everyone knows the management process is rough

So take someone else for a joint venture

Where you will have to lead from the center

Where there will be no room for error

Environment is full of risk

So when you shoot, better not miss

the blog itself

i cant say that the blog helped me much or that it was much fun. what i can say is that it is a new and refreshing approach towards interacting outside of class. since the only time we have together is the 2 and half hours per week we spend in clas, the blog is a good idea to comment on what we did in class, and most importantly keep track of all the material throughout the semester so we dont forget. so that when finals come around (which is now) we still remember some stuff even without studying first. also, when we do study, we can relate the material to an actual time in class when we used the consept and others' view on the subject at hand.

is DISC really accurate ?

we had a personality assesement test in class, which i was actually really excited for. i had very few of these done on me, but i always enjoyed it. i believe they arent nessasarily accurate as this is your actual personality and thats it. nonetheless, they are fun to do and they may put you on the right track as to how your personality is actually constructed. when i was younger and i did these personality tests, i would use to pick the options that i would like or aspire to be. i mightve not actually possesed the trait, but i picked it anyway because this is how i wanted to be. this time around i am older and more mature and so i come about a different way. i actually pick the options that best resemble my traits or my perception of the situation. it doesnt matter if i like this trait of mine, i am honest to the test. otherwise, you wouldnt get a result that is as close as can be. my results were a major C and a minor D. the C does describe me as i am very careful and cuatious but i do not nessasarily like to abide by the rules or follow a set structure. the D describes me as i am peaceful and cooperative, but then again at time i am contrary to this behavior. so i think this test has traits that fit all people and so it can apply to anyone. much like the signs of the horoscope.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nothing is without Vision

in class, we watched a video, of how i interpreted as the way to be a successful entrepreneur. it was about vision. that you have to have a vision of your goal in order for it be successful. one of my goals in life is to travel around the world and see as much diverse places as i possibly can. i am 21 right now, and by the time i finish college, i want to start travelling frequently. i have only been to amsterdam, which was last summer but im planning to experience many other cultures the world has to offer. i want to have much success in bussiness, weather it will be finance or another field, i want to give my all in it so that i will not have to look back and have regrets or second thoughts. i wish to be admired for my bussiness sense and my over all outlook. also, i just all around, want to be happy, which is very generalized and im sure everyone shares with me. but it is true. a lot of things in my life have not provided me with much happiness and fullfillment and nothing will provide that for me except me. i wish to have a better out look on life, engage in new opportunities, be spontaneous and impetious, only at appropriate time ofcourse.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fast and Right Decisions

we were asked to make certain decisions in the class. given that it is such a large class, this was no easy task. but, the one key that has to happen for us to be successful in this decision making, was for a leader to emerge. maybe even a few leaders to accomodate such a large group. and so this did happen. you always have to remember that a group of people are irrational and unorganized, but a person can be rational and is better eqiuped with making the right decision. plus, a group of people have to be lead by someone for a number of reasons. one reason is for the "lazy" ones that dont want to participate, as well as motivations techniques that have to be used up on the group.

Monday, March 15, 2010

project failure

my team's egg project was unfortunately unsuccessful, but i did enjoy the process that we took from setting the objective , all the way throught to the implentation stage. the first step, i think was mastered. we knew we had 10 minutes to the deadline, ao we wasted no time. we knew that our goal was to make a contraption that would hold the egg to refrain from it cracking when dropped. we went straight for the blueprints. our goal was to have a finalized blueprint before we were given the materials, so that no time was wasted in bwtween. our weakness was that we were somewhat undecisive in the beginning on what plan we should go with. i had my idea, he had his idea and so on. the strenth that actually came out of this was that we had alternate scenerios, in case our primary plan didnt work. also, time was always against us, so we were constantly working. eventually, we settled on the plan of curving the straws to titly align them with the egg. our members had different jobs to do. some were cutting tape, other was bending the starws and so on . unfortunately, as i said, the plan didnt work once we implemented it. i understood what was arong, that even though the strwas were somewhat protecting the egg, the speed and impact of the fall was too much.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Cultural Oppisition

i was born in Russia. but i dont reall remember much of the culture in russian society because i came to America when i was two years of age. so, you could say that i am fully submerged in merican culture, but on the other hand i do stay true to my root, and so i am not how you would say "americanized." As of now, the way that bussiness is conducted in russia, is different than the way it is done here. ofcourse, this now, already after the fall of socialism. there, the government does not regulate or interveen as much. bribes are not only done without hesitate, but it seems it is the norm of doing bussiness. laws there, seems are very transulent, with not enough infrastructure to support them. in America, it is very popular to file a law suit after one was involved in an accident with another company or practice or so. in Russia, it is not practical to engage in such a thing. Those with the power and the money, in turn have the influence. in this case, let tit be the firm you are sueing. they can simply use thier influence and bribe the judge (or the superior authorities), or offer a favor in return, to side with them. in America, everything is done strictly by the book. And that is why so many immigrants try to come here every year, for our ethics and legal system. people feel that they are protected here by the legal code, that they are more secure here with thier job then back home, etc.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


hello Professor and fellow classmates, my name is Eugene Spivak and i am a junior here at Baruch. i am majoring in finance and minoring in philosophy. i am of Russian descent and have lived in New york almost all of my life. (i came here from Russia when i was 2 yrs. old) i love to travel and discover new places i never been to, experience different cultures, etc. i dont really play much sports, but you can fairly say that i am a gym addict. i try to go everytime i get a chance. i am very eager to start my proffessional career, but definately not that eager to grow up and have the unlimited responsibilities that go with it. i try to stay a kid as long as i can. i have other aspirations of becoming a physical therapist, so im not exactly devoted to putting all my eggs in one basket. heres to having a great class this semester.